I Need to TALK

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Enough of all these silence. I really need to talk. We need to talk. 

We can't keep act like there's nothing going on between us; like we're just fine; like we're just as happy as usual; 'cause I told you, we're not. 
There clearly is something. Something that for months we pretend there's not.
Come on, you said that you're a grown-up. Then please, act mature. Talk to me. Talk about our problem. Let's fix this. Not to try buried them away unsolved.

And, please, when we talk, please, for God's sake, don't be so self-concerned, listen to the others; do not find the one who's wrong and the one who's right, there's no point in it; we are finding the solution.
I'm fed up with those.

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