Doctor(s), and This Great Nation Hates

Thursday, November 05, 2015

A great job, they said.
An honorable profession, it was long said.
If you know how much hatred this nation, my nation, put towards this so called great profession, you would think that those sayings were just a saying..
You would think that this profession is lower than any human doings ever existed in this planet.
You would think that we, doctors, are shameless, arrogant ba***d trying to make fortune out of helpless sick human being.
You would think, "Who would've wanted that job?"
You would them.
Them, who try to scheme us in to any condition possible for us to be behind the bars.
Them, who are going to try any possible way just to make us suffer, not getting any richer, not getting any happier.
Them, who hate us being happy so much.
Them, who doubt us several times even when we give our all just to save our so called patient.
Them, who don't even look down even when we shout out of our desperation.
If only I knew how much hatred is put towards this job, I would've rethink my decision. I would not take this path of life career.
In this nation, we are not seen as human. We are seen as a low-life beings. Even worse than a slave. We are under-paid, not respected, despite of how much of hours we work; how much sleep deprived we are; how many years we take as a medical student; how many personal lives are taken from us (don't you know how many hours of family time you take from us when we're supposed to help your family, the one you don't even thank for?). We do not have that human rights anymore. At least, not in this country, my country.
Now, let's see an engineer. Let's say..they are as sleep deprived, take a long road of study, not having so many personal lives, as we are..but they are not judged as a selfish human being if they make a lot of money. It's their right.
In this country, doctors don't have right to make a lot of money. We are not supposed to do that. We are wrong to do that. We are supposed to just help people. Funny.
No, I'm not angry. I'm just sick. Very sick. To how this country is so messed up. They put the honorable professions into despair and make the rats that consume people's money become more and more and more comfortable.
I'm not saying just for doctors. But for teachers, athletes, scientists, inventors, creators, and all of those used-to-be respected and honorable professions out there..
If only I knew how much hatred is put on towards this job, I would have thinking of choosing any other life career.
But, as all of my teachers ever said to me, "Do not worry, humans can hate you, your profession, but God wouldn't stay still. God will repay all of your hardworks.", I will do and believe what my teachers said.
A young doctor in one of the biggest General State-Teaching Hospitals in this country
A 9th semester medical student in one of the top universities of this country

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